Umberto's profile photo
Howdy! I'm Umberto Cappellazzo, a PhD candidate at the University of Trento, Italy, advised by Daniele Falavigna and Alessio Brutti. I'm a member of the SpeechTek group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento. My research activity is about Continual Learning (CL) for speech-related tasks, such as Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), by means of contrastive learning and knowledge distillation techniques, as well as the study of Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning (PETL) techniques (e.g, adapters, LoRA) for audio/speech tasks. I'm currently working in advancing the field of Multimodal LLMs for audio-visual speech recognition @ Imperial College London under the supervision of Stavros Petridis (Meta AI).



Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning of Audio Spectrogram Transformers
U. Cappellazzo, D. Falavigna, A. Brutti, M. Ravanelli
IEEE MLSP Workshop, 2024

Continual Contrastive Spoken Language Understanding
U. Cappellazzo, E. Fini, M. Yang, D. Falavigna, A. Brutti, B. Raj
ACL Findings 2024

Efficient Fine-tuning of Audio Spectrogram Transformers via Soft Mixture of Adapters
U. Cappellazzo, D. Falavigna, A. Brutti
Interspeech, 2024

Evaluating and Improving Continual Learning in Spoken Language Understanding
M. Yang, X. Li, U. Cappellazzo, S. Watanabe, B. Raj
Interspeech, 2024

Improving continual learning of acoustic scene classification via mutual information optimization
M. Yang, U. Cappellazzo, X. Li, S. Watanabe, B. Raj

Training Dynamic Models using Early Exits for Automatic Speech Recognition on Resource-constrained Devices
G. A. Wright, U. Cappellazzo, S. Zaiem, D. Raj, L. Ondel Yang, D. Falavigna, M. Ali, A. Brutti
Self-supervision in Audio, Speech and Beyond Workshop, ICASSP 2024

Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation for Class-Incremental End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding
Umberto Cappellazzo, Muqiao Yang, Daniele Falavigna, Alessio Brutti

An Investigation of the Combination of Rehearsal and Knowledge Distillation in Continual Learning for Spoken Language Understanding
Umberto Cappellazzo, Daniele Falavigna, Alessio Brutti
INTERSPEECH 2023 (Poster)



Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions upon my research activity. Plus, I'm always apt to new collaborations! Please contact me at umbertocappellazzo [at] gmail [dot] com.